


2.关于日本地震英语作文要求时间死亡人数中国向日本都捐啦什么大概100个单词左右 急需

3.求一篇英语作文,关于自然灾害--地震 要求如下: 一定要手写,复制的请不要回答了,谢谢!



       地震是世界上最严重的自然灾害之一,那么,发生地震时如何逃生?下面一起和我看看地震逃生的 英语 作文 吧。


        The earthquake is very dangerous,so I think everyone should know the escape way.First,you should open the door but you should not run out,it is very dangerous.Next when you find the furnitures are shake you should hide under the firmness furniture for about one minute.Then when you find the earthquake you should close the fire at once.Finally,you should protect you head and keep out of the firmness things.It is very import to konw this things,you must remember.



        Take Action For Earthquake Survival

        Some earthquakes start with a foreshock, which is a little warning before the big one hits. People sleeping may not notice this while others might be awakened by rattling of a door.

        Earthquake survival depends on doing some specific things. It is best to stay in bed unless a heavy light fixture is hanging from the ceiling. Hold on and protect the head with a pillow. In other cases, drop to the ground and get under cover. Find a table or other piece of furniture and hang on until the shaking stops.





        How to Escape form an Earthquake

        I m very lucky that I survived the bad earthquake on May 12 in Wenchuan,but I feel very sad that many of us have been wounded .In order to help other people escape from an earthquake,I d like to tell you something about it.

        Before earthquake happens,hens fly here and there and dogs bark without any reasons.At the same time,you will find frogs and snakes come out of their holes.

        When earthquake happens ,you will find the houses as well as the trees outside are waving for side to side and you will also find you can t stand steadily.So you must come out of you house as quickly as you can and go to the flat floor,but don t stand under the trees or beside any buildings.They any fall and kill you at moment.




关于日本地震英语作文要求时间死亡人数中国向日本都捐啦什么大概100个单词左右 急需


       The ground of the violent vibration. The house will fall down, a lot of animals will die. The environment will get great damage. A lot of people will be homeless.The earthquake will be a very serious according to natural disasters. This will make our biggest challenge So now, we should be good cherish life

求一篇英语作文,关于自然灾害--地震 要求如下: 一定要手写,复制的请不要回答了,谢谢!

       Yesterday, in Japan 8.8 magnitude occurred maizuru, powerful earthquake, the earthquake let us, this earthquake looming is terrific, the entire honshu island ulterly changed, earthquake that triggered the big fire entire towns, and because the main honshu island is the coastal regions, so because the quake triggered a tsunami, the tsunami have been rushed to the imperial county, and it took the whole Japan's floor is main honshu island say all the boundless, became engulfed by the sea, today, because tsunami caused a whirlpool, then, take everything contributed in. Can say is really powerful.

       In the earthquake, many people have lost family and friends, some people even themselves are dead, they how poor! Natural disasters are ruthless, according to expert introduction, the Japanese earthquake destructive more than 20 wenchuan earthquake damage. The earthquake has the highest an earthquake, series is really powerful! They know how pain, lose his family is a thing, as we live in the same earth, should also help them.

       The earthquake actually is also a warning, it reminds us, to protect the environment, not to do a great deal of extraction, this can lead to underground energy strong earthquake if coastal areas, also take care not to put the rubbish into the sea, that will also pollute the environment.

       Let us environmental protection! Let our earth more beautiful, more beautiful!





       A natural disaster is hazard cause by nature, like flood, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption, earthquake and so on. Natural disaster is very dangerous and often causes financial, environmental and human losses. For example, whenever there is an earthquake, the buildings often falls down, people are buried, injured and killed by falling buildings. The earthquake sometime can cause serious damages like a chain reaction. The earthquake happened in Japan recently caused explosion of the ucelar power plant. The consequences from radiation leaking can be unimaginably dangerous.

       For a long time, people studied earthquake and tried to predict it before it happens. In order to prevent earthquake to damage property and human lives, a lot of research had been done and some technology like how to build quakeproof houses had been invented. People have been educated to take precautions and know how to react when the quake is happening.

       A government of the country is responsible for carrying out serious work, which related to earthquake prevention, people’s education and diasters relief. In 2008, when the earthquake in Sichuan happened, the government acted very quickly and sent army to the diaster sense and a lot of goods and support had been given to the people in need.
