





5.为什么要保护动物 英文作文



       Animals Need Protecting

       Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history. Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way. Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Hundreds more are on the danger list today. About 170 kinds in the United States aloneare considered in danger.

       Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more.Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers' stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.

       Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.








       It is known to everyone that the unrestrained slaughter of wild animals?has diminished the number of some endangered species.


       More and more species are being driven to extinction every year.


       It is terrible to think that magnificent animals are being sacrificed to human vanity.


       There are already laws enacted to prevent the importation of rare animals and the products made from their flesh, skin and bones.


       These laws must be strictly enforced.


       Violators of these laws must be severely punished .


       Moreover, the public must be informed about the natural treasures we stand to lose .


       If we don’t take immediate action, we will be depriving future?generations of our most precious heritage.






       As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction ?Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit , which, of course, results in a

        As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them.

       First of all, it's quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of responsibility.People will surely take it for granted to have the duty to prevent any killing of wild animals. So a national publicity campaign should be launched, thus giving animals a good living environment. In addition, the government should pass some laws to forbid any hunting of rare animals. We don't expect anything harmful to wild life to happen again.

        If everyone is involved in the protection of wild life, we're sure man will be a good friend of animals rather than their enemy.







       Last week, I saw a very impressive documentary about panda. A professor studied panda in the early 1980s went to the wild life and kept trace of wild giant panda for many years. As a result, he found that it was human being that made these lovely animals die out. At that time, many people believed that giant panda became less because of the low rate of newborn babies. But it was not true. People cut trees for making profit at that time. Panda lose homeland and they lacked of food. Thanks to these valuable data, the government took the policy to protect the animals. So today, the number of giant panda is increasing. People realize the importance of protecting the environment and it is the best way to protect wild animals, they are the indispensable part of the nature.





       The animal is the friend of our human beings. We live in the same earth. Animals and human beings can't be separated from each other. But some animals are getting less and less. So it's necessary for us to protect animals, especially wild animals. Some people kill wild animal because of money. It's illegal. Beside, because of the development of society, human needs more space to live in, so we explore the forest. Animals have less space to live in. The number of wild animals decreases year by year. It's high time to take actions to protect wild animals.




       行不? 双语对照


       Giant panda protection


       We all know that the giant panda, it's very cute, but I often read in many people for their own economic interests to kill it, I feel very sad.


       The giant panda is our country special product, it is the unique face has become "the WWF" sign. The giant panda is like a bear, but not bear, at about 1.5 meters, weighs 160 kilograms, black and white on the appearance of body hair is their characteristics. The giant panda temperament is gentle, posture and movement are particularly lovely. In all over the world in the zoo, the giant panda is the most popular pet tourists.


       The giant panda this animal or representative of the remaining ancient animals, about 100 more than ten thousand years ago, the giant panda will live on the earth, so they have a "living fossil" said.


       The giant panda this lovely and rare animals in an increasingly reduce, the world is less than 1000 only add up. Don't let this lovely and rare animals in the face of the earth? It is up to us to protect lovely and rare animals--the giant panda!!!!

为什么要保护动物 英文作文


       There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority .?

       It's wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends.

       We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.

       They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.We should stop killing animal and protect them.










       Why Protect Animals?

       Animals are an important part of our world. They provide us with food, clothing, and even companionship. However, the relationship between humans and animals is not always positive. Many animals are hunted or mistreated for human benefit. This can upset the delicate balance of our ecosystem and harm our planet as a whole. Therefore, it is our moral responsibility to protect animals.

       Firstly, animals play an important role in maintaining ecological balance. Each species has its unique place in the food chain. If one species disappears, it can affect the entire ecosystem. For example, if bees were to become extinct, it would have a devastating impact on agriculture because they are responsible for pollination. Therefore, protecting animals helps to preserve the natural environment and prevent ecological disasters.

       Secondly, we have a moral obligation to treat animals with respect and compassion. They are sentient beings that can feel pain and suffer just like humans. It is cruel to cause unnecessary harm to them for our own selfish desires. We should strive to minimize animal cruelty by promoting responsible pet ownership, reducing the consumption of animal products, and supporting animal welfare organizations.

       In conclusion, protecting animals is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and fulfilling our moral responsibility towards other living beings. Let us all work together to create a world where humans and animals can coexist in harmony.















       Why We Should Protect Animals

       Animals are an important part of our world. They play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. However, many species are endangered due to human activities such as hunting, poaching and habitat destruction. It is important that we take action to protect these animals.

       Firstly, protecting animals is essential for environmental conservation. Each species plays a unique role in the ecosystem. For example, bees are responsible for pollinating plants, which helps to maintain plant diversity. If bees were to disappear, it would have a significant impact on our food supply, as well as the health of our environment.

       Secondly, protecting animals is necessary for maintaining ecological balance. When one species disappears, it can have a ripple effect on other species in the food chain. This can lead to imbalances and disruptions in the ecosystem. For instance, if predators like lions were to become extinct, herbivores like deer would overpopulate, leading to overgrazing and soil erosion.

       Lastly, protecting animals is a matter of compassion and respect for life. Animals have the right to live without fear of being hunted or exploited by humans. They are sentient beings that feel pain and suffer just like we do. It is our responsibility to ensure that they are treated with kindness and respect.

       In conclusion, protecting animals is vital for the health of our planet, the preservation of our ecosystem, and the promotion of compassion and respect for all living creatures.


       Endangered (adj.) 濒危的,处于危险中的

       Poaching (n.) 偷猎,盗猎

       Habitat destruction (n.) 栖息地破坏

       Ecosystem (n.) 生态系统

       Pollinating (v.) 授粉,传粉

       Herbivores (n.) 食草动物

       Overgrazing (n.) 过度放牧

       Sentient (adj.) 有知觉的,有感情的












       Why it is important to protect animals

       Animals are an integral part of our ecosystem. They play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of our planet. Unfortunately, many animal species are on the brink of extinction due to human activities such as deforestation, hunting, and pollution. It is our responsibility to protect these animals and their habitats.

       There are several reasons why we should protect animals. Firstly, animals are essential for the proper functioning of the food chain. If one species disappears, it can have a domino effect on other species in the ecosystem. For example, if bees were to go extinct, it would have a catastrophic impact on the pollination of plants which could lead to food shortages for humans.

       Secondly, many animal species have already become endangered or extinct due to human activities. This loss of biodiversity can have serious consequences for the environment and for us. For instance, the extinction of certain animal species can lead to the loss of natural resources and medicines that are derived from them.

       Lastly, protecting animals also means protecting ourselves. Many animals provide us with essential resources such as food, clothing, and medicine. By protecting them, we are ensuring the sustainability of these resources for future generations.

       In conclusion, protecting animals is not only important for their own sake but also for the health and well-being of our planet and ourselves. It is our responsibility to take action to preserve the natural world and all its inhabitants.


       integral (adj.) - 必要的或不可或缺的

       ecological balance (n.) - 生态平衡,指生态系统中不同生物之间的平衡状态

       extinction (n.) - 灭绝,指某个物种不再存在的状态

       biodiversity (n.) - 生物多样性,指特定生态系统中生物的种类和数量的多样性

       sustainability (n.) - 可持续性,指在不耗尽资源的情况下保持某种事物在一定水平上的能力







