






       Book is the ladder of human progress, is a mentor to help you and teach you.

        When I wrote this, someone will say: "reading how lame, school go to school so much, why to return to the home to read?" I will definitely tell him: "their own" hall "in the book reading fun, no limits no oppression, rather than to death."

        I loved to read history books, for can you tell me the up and down in five thousand, is rich in folk customs, culture and dynasties rise and fall, life philosophy, "the four great classical novels" I finished reading, I have benefited a lot from such as "a dream of red mansions" tell people heart is without distractions dishonest practices, cao xueqin's "a sad tears, full paper absurd speech. All cloud the author chi, who solution of taste." He a few words I think contains boundless lasting appeal, "the water margin" vivid characters, the sincerity of the romance of three kingdoms, red cliff story let me drunk in the book, such as fire, was deeply attracted by the charm of the book, the book is like a piece of sea waiting for us to explore the study found that although sometimes encounter big waves go forward but as long as I believe you will reach the other shore of success.

        As bingxin said: good reading, read more books, read good books.

















       The Purpose and Significance of Reading

       Reading is an important activity in our daily life. It can help us to broaden our horizons, expand our knowledge, and improve our thinking ability and creativity. Moreover, reading can also help us to grow and develop, and bring us joy and satisfaction.

       By reading books from different fields, we can learn about the world and gain more knowledge and experience. Through the process of understanding, analyzing, reasoning and imagining, we can enhance our thinking ability and creativity. By reading excellent literary works, we can understand various life experiences and emotional experiences, thus improving our emotional intelligence and social skills. In addition, reading can also bring us a wonderful sense of pleasure and satisfaction.

       Therefore, reading is not only a way to obtain knowledge and information, but also a means to help us grow and develop, and bring us happiness and satisfaction.


       horizons (n.) 范围;视野

       creativity (n.) 创造力

       emotional intelligence (n.) 情商

       satisfaction (n.) 满足感










       The Purpose and Significance of Reading

       Reading is an essential activity for everyone. It helps us to broaden our knowledge, improve our language skills, and enhance our critical thinking abilities. The purpose of reading is not only to gain information but also to develop a deeper understanding of the world around us.

       Reading can expand our knowledge in various fields, such as history, science, literature, and philosophy. By reading books, we can learn from the experiences of others, understand different cultures, and explore new ideas. Reading can also help us to improve our language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and writing. It is an effective way to enhance our communication abilities and express ourselves more effectively.

       Moreover, reading can strengthen our critical thinking abilities. It requires us to analyze and evaluate the information presented in the text, which can help us to develop our reasoning skills and make better decisions. However, it is important to note that reading requires the right attitude and approach. We should read with an open mind, be willing to learn, and actively engage with the text.

       In conclusion, reading is a valuable activity that can benefit us in many ways. It can broaden our horizons, improve our language skills, and enhance our critical thinking abilities. Therefore, we should cultivate a habit of reading and approach it with the right mindset.


       essential (adj.) - 绝对必要或极其重要的

       enhance (v.) - 改善或增加某物的质量、价值或范围

       critical thinking (n.) - 分析、评估和解释信息以做出明智决策的过程

       approach (n.) - 处理某事或某人的方式











       The Purpose and Significance of Reading

       Reading is an essential way for us humans to acquire knowledge and wisdom. The purpose of reading varies from person to person, but the common goal is to gain something valuable from it. Some people read to learn new things and broaden their horizons, while others read for entertainment or to improve their language skills.

       The significance of reading cannot be overstated. It helps us develop critical thinking skills, enhances our creativity, and improves our communication abilities. Reading also expands our vocabulary and knowledge, which can be applied to various aspects of our lives.

       In conclusion, reading serves a vital role in our personal growth and development. It provides us with endless opportunities to learn and grow, making it an essential part of our lives.




       critical thinking(名词):客观分析和评价信息的能力









       以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《英语作文翻译:阅读的好处》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。

        Reading has lots of advantages because you can learn many things from it. You can learn new knowledges and at the same time, you can have fun learning the interesting things. It can also help you to understand the things surrounding you. When you read, you will know more things than you will ever imagine. And you can also find more of your interests when you read. Reading can also help you to think in a different point view and it can help you to think in other's view.




       In this world, books are like countless stars in the sky! I love the "stars in the sky!" Good books are the nourishment of the world. Du Fu, a great poet, said, "reading can break thousands of volumes, and writing is like God." These famous sayings about reading inspire me.

       Books have cultivated my sentiment, broadened my vision and enriched my feelings.

       In reading, it is the back of Zhu Ziqing that makes me feel the depth of my parents; It is Bingxin's paper boat that makes me feel the warmth of maternal love; It was Tagore who made me "don't remember my mother," but always remember the lullaby that my mother hummed.

       It was Ba Jin who encouraged me to move forward to my ideal again and again; Pushkin said that the direction of struggle in life is to dare to fight against wind and waves.

       I often compare books to a leaf boat, carrying me in the ocean of knowledge. The ancients also left the golden advice that "those who are expensive are expensive because of books" and the rich are rich because of books. Yes, books have brought us too many benefits. Only those who love books can understand the value of books.

       Because of my love for books, I also have a strong interest in writing. After finishing my homework in the evening, I will sit alone in front of my desk. Under the soft light, a diary and a pen have become my most ideal tool to talk about my heart. Through the tip of the pen, I express my ambitions and ideals.

       Ah! Reading has brought me infinite fun, infinite power and wings to my dream!







